Tolls: Even More Expensive Than You Might Have Thought!

Tolls cost in more ways than you might think
It might be time to rethink raising tolls. Originally I was just worried that it would just raise the cost of goods and services...and it will. I never even took into account the impact it would have on off road businesses along the highway.

Well, according to The Trucker, tolls are going to have a huge 'toll' on roadside businesses. The I-95 tolls will charge truckers money just to exit the highway and even more money to get back on. On top of that, there is the cost of the toll to be on the road.

So now your $6 McLunch is going to run you something more like $10 or more. The tolls are there to raise revenue but tax revenue losses will increase because of all the businesses that will be starved of customers.


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Preparing for 2013

Weathering The Storm As A Truck driver, Tower, or Cottrell Owner

cottrell trailers and the economy
Many of the articles that get posted in this blog and others come from news sources all across the country. I pull articles from regional magazines, newspapers, blog feeds, etc.. I saw an article recently that featured a trucking business about 5 miles from our office here in Portsmouth.

The trucking business is Frank's truck stop up the street. This is a popular stop that has been around for over 70 years. Generations of truckers have come through this stop in and out of the port of Virginia. Many of the truckers, Cottrell owners, towers, and other transportation professionals that visit us, go here.

The article caught my eye, not just because they are local, but because it talks about what this business is going today to prepare for 2013. Post election, there are a lot of questions as to which way the economy is going to go. Is 2013 going to be a turbulent year economically, or are we leaving the worst part of the recession behind?

Why take a chance?

Franks truck stop has a possible solution. That solution is to reserve your cash and prepare for a rainy day. This, obviously, is not what the government or Frank's would like to do but this is what they have to do. Think about it. 

You have had five years of slowing economy activity and political gridlock There is no real plan on the books to solve things. There is no guarantee that gridlock wont be the status quo for the next two years. Having cash on hand may be the only insurance policy that a company has anymore...

 American Made Trucking, Car hauler, and Cottrell Parts

Towing or Carhauler strap Strap Ratchet with Double J Hooks

SKU: 564756

  • Buy 10 for $16.95 each and save 2%
  •  Perfect for Cottrell Trailers 
  •  American Made strap
  • For more information click HERE 

Finding Nuggets of Good Economic News In Transportation

Sometimes You Have To Search For The Silver Lining In Economic News...But you can find it

Finding good economic news has not alway been the easiest in the last four years. In fact, not just do you have to search for it, but you have to wade through a lot of ‘fluff’ articles about an improving economy that just don’t feel that credible. Don't get me wrong, I want to believe. I want every trucker, car hauler, tower, or Cottrell owner to believe them.

It is just the proof is not always there....

Thus, a story with sound numbers and logics about economic improvement stands out and I think I found one. According to Today’s Trucking, October showed the largest number of truck class 8 truck orders and class 5-7 truck orders since the beginning of the year. So here are the numbers.

  • Over 23,000 class 8 trucks sold in October
  • Over 18,000 class 5- 7 trucks sold in November

This seems to be a solid provable point. For those trucks a number of economic gears had to go in motion

  • Customers had to have credit
  • Banks had to loan the money
  • A Cottrell transport had to haul the cars to the dealer
  • and probably lots more...

Hopefully this is a start of good things to come?


Don’t Miss Your Chance For An Authentic Nascar Driving Experience

You will recieve one FREE entry with every $100 of wrecker , autohauler, or trucking, or Cottrell parts you purchase at

There is less than a month left to enter now!

American Made Parts Can Help Protect Your Investment In Your Cottrell Trailer

Nothing will extend the investment of your Cottrell Trailer than American Made Cottrell Carhauler parts. While we offer a huge assortment here is a recent price special flier. As North America’s largest dealer of Cottrell Trailers, we can get you what you need to maximize and protect your investment in your Cottrell Trailer

A must read for any carhauler or trucker..

Of Note in Carhauling and Trucking

Gordon Trucking uses their trucks to advertise missing children. Incredible benefit to the community and to them. A win win all they. Now there is no way to put this on a carhauler trailer but your fleet might have vans, or tractor trailers that can.

Versatile Cottrell Trailer

Designed for efficiency and ease of use, this Cottrell carhauler is one of the most popular

find out more by clicking HERE

Any Cottrell Owner Knows...Time is Money

I doubt any Cottrell owner or Carhauler would argue that time is money but this is definitely an example of how much "time" is worth.
Save Time and Save Money

According to Travel Centers of America, truckers or carhaulers can reserve spaces at their facilities.
The reasoning behind the new service is that time they are spending looking for a parking space is significant. Before I finished reading the article I pictured truckers looking for maybe 5 or 10 minutes for a spot. Did it really seem neccessary. All that changed with the next statistic.
Some drivers can spend as much as 150 minutes a day looking for parking spot which is almost a quarter of their allowable driving time. Who knew that finding a parking spot was this expensive?
To reserve your next spot call 855-847-7275

Wanna Drive NASCAR..Yes really!

On your next order of Cottrell or Carhauler parts just spend $100 and you will be entered to win a Richard Petty Experience. You can go over 100 miles an hour in a stock car

Cottrell Owner Beware: More Crooks Trying To Scam You

For the most part I do not hear of many Cottrell owners or car haulers falling prey to many of the scams that plague the general trucking sector.

Nevertheless I dont want to start hearing them so here is a warning for all Cottrell Owners, Carhaulers, Autohaulers, truckers, fleet managers etc.

A fake D.O.T. Letter is circulating asking for banking information. It is a counterfeit masterpiece, with official names, seals, and layout. But do not be is a fraud.

Any request for personal information should be followed by a call to the agency to verify that you are not about to get ripped off.

Cottrell Owner Beware

Clever Trucking Procedures

There is an old biblical saying "the clever will be caught up in their own devices" I doubt this was meant to be applied to the issue of Mexican cross-border trucking but it kind of fits. According to the National program to "open" our border to Mexican Trucking is stalling heavily. To go forward with the program the Department of Transportation must conduct over 4000 inspections. So far the number of inspections they have completed are:


So here is what is happening. A few years ago the Federal government thought allowing lower cost Mexican Trucking into the United States would be beneficial to a reeling economy by? well I dont really know why. Exporting American jobs in the middle of recession is a head scratcher but the program was approved BUT here is where it started to breakdown.

The Department of Transportation also thought it would be a great idea to begin levying over 5 billion dollars of regulations on the trucking industry during a recession to make us safer. And it did.

Now the much cheaper Mexican companies cannot meet the extensive safety and emissions regulations that would allow them to drive here.

So not just are we safer but our jobs are safer too. Very very clever.

Make Your Cottrell Stand Out: Truck Logo and Lettering Services

East Coast Truck and Trailer Sales offers lettering and logo for Cottrells, other carhaulers, trucks, and all types of vehicles.
One of the fastest ways to get business is to be recognized. When going down the highway thousands of people see your truck. Make sure they see your logo and lettering.
This tag gives them something to remember you by and the human mind gravitates to what is familiar
Don't miss an opportunity for your Truck, Cottrell, or Carhauler to get you business
more information at or

Carhaulers: Win Your Dream

 Get A Chance Of Winning Your Dream AND Help Charity At The Same Time brought to my attention a new site where truckers, and of course carhaulers, can submit their dream for a chance to win it. If your description is selected you win money towards your dream...sounds good to me

Go To for more information


New Cottrell Inventory on our lot!
Come see new Cottrell Inventory at

ECTTS  HAS the largest selection of Cottrell vehicles in North America

Current Cottrell Specials : Truck Of the Month

Come check out our large selection of Cottrell trailers including our truck of the month offerings. East Coast Truck and Trailer has the honor of being the LARGEST Cottrell dealer on the East Coast

Cluster for Cottrell Trailer Chain Unit

High quality cluster for use with Cottrell Car Carrier
Designed to work with a Cottrell autotransport chain unit
Cottrell Part: Cluster with S-T-R and Grab

Carhauler Part: Cluster with S-T-R and Grab
Part number : SKU: 334706

Value Priced at : $14.18

For ordering information on American Made Cluster for Cottrell trailer chain unit click here

Want A Cottrell Trailer? East Coast Truck and Trailer is The Nations largest carhauler and  Cottrell dealer.

We also sell new authentic Cottrell parts : Don't risk your investment on anything else

Truckers, Carhaulers, and Cottrell's on the High Tech Highways.

I Think This Story Is A Glimpse Into Trucking and Carhauling's High Tech Future...

The article link is from a Washington State Online News Source is talking about the impact
of high tech driver measurement. The minute your Cottrell drives over one of the senses the
states sophisticated network instantly checks your Cottrell against:

  • All your past records
  • All your companies past records

And instantly notifies the station. Even if you are not doing anything wrong, your record can get you
flagged which does not seem all that legal though it has been effective. Personally this will probably lead to law suits since we STILL live in a country where you cannot start detaining people based on what they might do or what they have done if their obligations to society have been paid..

Time Will Tell


The Best Thing For Your Cottrell are Genuine Cottrell Parts:  

Your Cottrell : Getting The Most Value for Your Fuel Dollar

Cottrell: How to increase your fuel dollar value:

Consider progressive shifting as a way to save fuel money with very little effort. The simple habit of  going in out of gears progressively will cause your fuel bill to reduce. When you jump gears your engine rev’s and that sound is telling you you are wasting gas.


Visit East Coast Truck and Trailer and see a massive inventory of Cottrell's and Cottrell Brand Trailers in the United States at our headquarters



Safe Driving: Good News For Cottrell Drivers

Cottrell for Sale
For All Cottrell Owners, this story is good news. No one understands the difficulty of moving an 80 ton fully loaded Cottrell trailer like a Cottrell Driver. People who cut you off or risk your safety and theirs is a factor...


Safe Driving is a two way street. Truckers and Carhaulers have to be careful, but so do the car drivers we share the road with. Apparently we are not alone with this opinion. According to aggressive driving will get you pulled over by the San Antonio, Texas police department. Since receiving funding from the FMCSA to prevent unsafe driving, the police force has issued:

  1. Over 2,000 speeding violations, 
  2. Over 500 citations for failure to signal
  3. Over 467 tickets for motorists following a vehicle too closely
The article also cites that aggressive driving is more dangerous around trucks. So if someone in a small car speeds around you and you get cut off on the highway, they could be cited for 'aggressive' driving and ticketed.

I know this is only one small area but it is nice to see some fairness coming.  It is unreasonable to ask truckers to be responsible for what every car driver does. Both groups share the road and they both have a responsibility to be safe. It will be interesting to see if this program gets funded nationwide.


Truck Of The Month: Cottrell 12LTB

Cottrell 12 LTB Trailer

  • Versatile Cottrell Carhaulerhttp
  • Chain Unit: 5/16" Chains and Clusters
  • Cottrell Patented Quick Release Ratchets
  • This Cottrell equiped with Parflex Hoses,Stainless Kit, and light kit
And Lots more here for more information

Need parts for your Cottrell ? Go to

Will Your Cottrell Be Under The Thumb Of "Big Brother"

Cottrell for Sale
Gattuso: Back off the truckers |

 The risk of being under the thumb of  Big Brother is a real possibility if you are a trucker. The article link is an excellent example of how invasive the government has become in watching over everything you do and very little of what they have done has faced stiff opposition. I cringe at the idea that our carhauler owner operators will have to purchase EOBR ready Cottrell's when they visit a carhauler dealership. Yet, this is a real possibility...Every truck is subject to the billions of dollars of regulation costs that make owning a Cottrell even pricier due to government restrictions and mandates..

 Gattuso: Back off the truckers |

Cottrell in the news: Carhauler issues

Cottrell Carhauler Trailers

great new stories about the trucking industry and its effect on carhaulers including Cottrell owners.

for more information

click here for Carhauler2 blog 
click here for "Haulin"Carhauler news blog

Cottrell Owners...This Could Be Useful

Cottrell for sale: Click for more information
Cottrell owners, like any carhauler or trucker knows that you have to take care of yourself on the road. With all the focus on Cottrell safety upgrades and fuel savings we can often overlook the simplest things. One of those things is skin cancer. 

I have read that UV rays coming through the side windows can, over time, cause skin cancer to drivers. According to Enhanced Online News, or, the FMCSA allows truckers to add a window film to their window to prevent the cancer risk.

 To read the original story: Click Here

Double J Wheel Straps for Sale: Click here
Here is a link to the authorization for side window tinting for truckers

Here is a link to the tinting laws allowed in the country, broken down by states


Proud To Be A Cottrell Dealer At the Truck Show

Going to the Mid America Truck Show?

ECTTS is proud to be a dealer of Cottrell

Come see the biggest dealer of Cottrell products in the United

Look for Display 91525 in the Outdoor Pavilion


Autohauler parts: tie down bar
to find out more information
go to or follow this link
tie down bar

Cottrell with Liquid Natural Gas Fuel

Will The Future Fuel of Cottrell Owners Be Liquid Natural Gas

New Cottrell For Sale
The Cottrell Trailer is a technological marvel. There are hundreds of innovations on every new Cottrell which range from lift kits to backup PTO’s. Even though the average Cottrell owner (or really any Cottrell owners that I know of) has not been bit by the alternate fuel bug, I am hoping it will catch on.

Any Cottrell owner, which should be synonymous with the term carhauler, is watching profits diminish as fuel prices move into the stratosphere. If this continues you will start seeing more and more Cottrell’s being paired with Liquid Natural Gas Powertrains..hopefully sooner than later.
 Looking to Upgrade Your Wheel Straps? Check out North America's Largest
wheel strap

Cottrell dealership's online parts site. We can ship our wheel straps anywhere in 
the mainland 48 states


Want Cottrell / Car hauler News and Tips? Then sign up for a FREE subscription to  Haulin, our newsletter that features a lot of information on Cottrell products. 

All you have to do is email and provide an email and it will emailed to you FREE!

Fill out my online form.

Fueling Your Cottrell Could Get Expensive..

The Next Time You Fuel Up Your Cottrell, Think About This...

 "It costs as much for to fill your car in Tampa Bay as it does to make your mortgage payment"

I saw this on ABC Action website and I can barely believe. Fuel panics are usually irrational short term FEAR of outrageous oil prices. This is huge. If this is what an American Family is facing what could be the fate of today's car hauler as they take their Cottrell down the road. I would say fuel, and finding fuel substitutes and solutions needs to be viewed as an economic emergency.

It cannot be a partisan issue with one political party touting the Keystone oil pipeline, and the other touting the potential of natural gas. Both parties need to pursue BOTH options with the fury we would pursue any national emergency....
To read more at ABC Action News Site CLICK HERE.

Hey Cottrell Owner..We Have Great Prices On Height Sticks

Click here for more information

Cottrell : Cluster for Chain Unit

Excellent Part for use with Cottrell Carhauler Trailer
Works with Cottrell chain units

Cluster with S-T-R and Grab
SKU: 334706

Special Price: $12.99

Regular Price: $14.18

Cluster for chain Cottrell unit click here

Need A Cottrell? East Coast Truck and Trailer is North America's largest Cottrell dealer.
We also sell genuine Cottrell parts

All things Cottrell in the news.....

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