Fueling Your Cottrell Could Get Expensive..

The Next Time You Fuel Up Your Cottrell, Think About This...

 "It costs as much for to fill your car in Tampa Bay as it does to make your mortgage payment"

I saw this on ABC Action News.com website and I can barely believe. Fuel panics are usually irrational short term FEAR of outrageous oil prices. This is huge. If this is what an American Family is facing what could be the fate of today's car hauler as they take their Cottrell down the road. I would say fuel, and finding fuel substitutes and solutions needs to be viewed as an economic emergency.

It cannot be a partisan issue with one political party touting the Keystone oil pipeline, and the other touting the potential of natural gas. Both parties need to pursue BOTH options with the fury we would pursue any national emergency....
To read more at ABC Action News Site CLICK HERE.

Hey Cottrell Owner..We Have Great Prices On Height Sticks

Click here for more information

Cottrell : Cluster for Chain Unit

Excellent Part for use with Cottrell Carhauler Trailer
Works with Cottrell chain units

Cluster with S-T-R and Grab
SKU: 334706

Special Price: $12.99

Regular Price: $14.18

Cluster for chain Cottrell unit click here

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We also sell genuine Cottrell parts

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